
Defending Trafficking of Child Pornography Charges in Federal Court

Hello, my name is Glen Obedin and I am a criminal defense attorney. I specialize in federal criminal defense work. I want to discuss a delicate subject right now, but something that unfortunately I do represent a lot of clients on in federal court and that’s possession or trafficking of child pornography. Now that’s a

Federal RICO Statute – Organized and Gang Related Crimes Defense

My name is Glen Obedin. I’m a criminal defense attorney and I specialize in federal criminal defense and I’d like to talk to you for a few moments about something that a lot of people have heard of but may not understand exactly what it is and that’s the Federal RICO Statute. The RICO Statute

Felony Arrest in Suffolk County Long Island – What Happens Next?

I am often asked by clients who’ve been arrested for a felony, “what is the process? What’s a grand jury? What does all that mean?” And, very often it’s actually not the client who asks that question because the client has been arrested for a felony, they’re in jail and it’s the family who are

Narcotics Arrest in Federal Court vs. State Court

Suffolk County criminal defense lawyer Glenn Obedin discusses the differences between a narcotics arrest and charge in the Federal system as opposed to the State system. Most people are versed in what happens when you are arrested in state court on a narcotics charge, but it’s quite different in the federal system. The first main

What Are Your Miranda Rights After You’ve Been Arrested?

I am very often asked the question by clients of mine: “I was arrested and the police didn’t read me my rights. Can my case be thrown out?” They think that somehow that’s a good thing for them. I often have to explain to them, we all watch these crime programs and police dramas where