
Defending Drug Crimes

In Suffolk County, Long Island, they take drug crimes very seriously. You’d better hope you don’t find yourself faced with charges like: Possession of illegal substances such as marijuana, methamphetamines, heroine, and cocaine; Drug manufacturing and cultivation; Drug trafficking or distribution; A smaller scale of trafficking, known as drug dealing.

Benefits Of Hiring A DWI Defense Lawyer

If you or someone you know has recently been arrested for a DWI – or driving while intoxicated – in Suffolk County, Long Island, it’s likely that you’re currently on the lookout for a lawyer or attorney who can come to your defense. After all, nobody wants to spend time in jail, and the consequences

White Collar Crimes In New York

Home to the world’s biggest banks, hedge funds, financial advisors, and other cottage financial industries, New York City is the financial capital of the world. White collar crimes have always been a part of the industry, but white collar crime is on the rise even outside of Wall Street.

New York’s Shoplifting Laws

Shoplifting is somewhat of a euphemistic word, conjuring images of children stealing candy bars from convenience stores. The legal words for shoplifting is actually larceny, and it carries severe criminal penalties depending on the value of the property that was stolen. Criminal penalties aside, shoplifters (or the parents of minor shoplifters) can be sued by

New York’s DWI Laws

The penalties for drinking and driving in Suffolk County are serious and severe. If you’ve been arrested for Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), you need to know what the consequences are and what options you have for fighting the charge. This article will provide a brief overview of your options,

Drug Possession In New York

Although the sale, manufacture, and trafficking of drugs carry the heaviest penalties, mere possession of controlled substances in the state of New York can still carry life-altering penalties. If you have been charged with possession of a controlled substance, don’t take any chances; contact a criminal defense attorney with experience in drug crimes immediately.

What Makes A Crime White Collar?

You probably already understand that there’s a distinction between the so-called “white-collar crimes” and violent offenses like robbery, assault, and murder. However, the distinction goes even farther than that, as certain kinds of nonviolent crime don’t qualify as white collar, either. So what exactly marks a crime as white collar?