
Consequences of DWI In New York and Importance of Hiring an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

Many people don’t think that DWI is a serious case, and this is why they take it lightly and don’t get the right attorney to help them out. Getting charged with DWI is serious, and should be treated as such. The potential stiff penalties for a DWI conviction is serious. There is a different sentence

How Can a Conviction Effect Your Ability to Get Employed?

If you are facing conviction or have already been convicted, you might wonder how that event will impact your future career prospects. No matter how significant a conviction may be, each person will have to move forward and continue with his or her life after all is said and done.

How To Find A Good Lawyer For Federal Crimes Defense

Federal crimes are among the most serious that you can be charged with. Suffolk County residents who are facing these charges could end up with penalties that might include decades in prison, thousands or tens of thousands in fines, and much more. As a result, it’s important that you find the right kind of attorney