
Consequences of DWI In New York and Importance of Hiring an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

Many people don’t think that DWI is a serious case, and this is why they take it lightly and don’t get the right attorney to help them out. Getting charged with DWI is serious, and should be treated as such. The potential stiff penalties for a DWI conviction is serious. There is a different sentence or penalty depending on your situation, but you will still need the right DWI attorney in any of the situations.

For a first-time DWI offense
If you are arrested with the BAC being 0.08 or higher, you will have to face both civil and criminal penalties. If the driver is above the age of 21, the license is revoked for a minimum of 6 months. The driver will also get a gin of between $500 and $1,000. There is also a possible one-year jail term and or three years of probation. Your insurance premiums will also rise.

Subsequent Offense
If a driver receives another DWI in a span of 10 years from the first one, the penalties become more serious. The crime will no longer be a misdemeanor, it becomes a felony. A person convicted will face fines of up to $5,000, four years in jail, and also the license is suspended for a minimum of one year. If it is a third offense, the fines rise to $10,000, seven years in jail and a license suspension for one year.

If you have been charged with DWI in Suffolk County, you should make an effort of hiring an experienced criminal lawyer who will be able to help you avoid getting the tough sentences and penalties. The lawyer you choose will have a big impact on whether you win or lose the case. There is no need to regret when it is too late.