
Arrested For Drug Possession? 3 Things You Need To Know

Arrested For Drug Possession? 3 Things You Need To KnowHave you been arrested for drug possession in Suffolk County, Long Island? If you have, it’s critical that you partner with a law office that provides experience and a proven track record of success in defense in matters related to drug possession.

Understand that your defense in any criminal matter should begin with an in-person consultation where you can discuss the specifics of your case with a senior attorney. You should not make any legal decisions on the basis of an advertisement — or a blog.

However, there are some fundamental facts of drug possession cases that can be valuable for you to know. Understanding this information will help you to make the kind of informed decisions that will make a positive outcome for your case more likely.

  1. Your Proximity To Drugs Affects Your Case

    There are actual several different types of possession, including “Actual” — when the drugs are found on your person — “Constructive,” when they are found in a private area or vehicle that is under your control — and “Presumptive,” when you are in proximity to drugs found in another person’s home or vehicle.

    Each of these forms of possession must be defended in a different way. A lawyer will strive to understand the surrounding circumstances and your side of the story so that you can mount a defense germane to the specific charges.

  2. The Type And Quantity Of Drugs Both Affect Your Case

    In New York and many other states, significant distinctions are drawn based on the quantity of drugs that are involved in a possession charge. A relatively small amount of drugs can be considered to be “for personal use.”

    When a larger amount of drugs has been found, there is often a presumption of an “intent to sell.” This is another challenging aspect of a drug-related case that has to be fought in court with reference to your past behavior and character.

  3. Your Addiction Status May Impact Your Defense

    Drug addiction is a public health crisis, and addiction is a disease that can cause well-meaning people to make mistakes. In cases where addiction is a factor, courts have been known to show clemency to individuals whose misjudgments have mainly harmed themselves.

No matter what the details of your case may be, you deserve — and need — aggressive legal representation. Talk to the Law Offices of Naiburg, Obedin and Weissman to find out more.