
Domestic Violence: What It is And The Common Charges

Domestic Abuse Charges Are No JokeDomestic violence cases are amongst the most common cases handled by criminal defense lawyers. As such, it is vital that attorneys possess good knowledge of the laws that govern domestic violence if they want to run a successful practice. However, it is crucial that lay citizens also understand these laws too.

Domestic violence can be defined as a threat or act of violence between individuals in an intimate relationship. This violence could be in the form of coercion, punishment, control, or even intimidation. It is not a must that the two be married for acts of violence towards the other to be considered domestic violence – the only thing that’s required is for the District Attorney to prove that two are in an intimate relationship.

Most experienced criminal law attorneys have handled domestic violence cases of all sizes and shapes over the years, but some cases tend to show up more often compared to others. Here is a list of 5 allegations that most lawyers would agree are most common when being called to provide legal services. These are:

Types of Domestic Violence Cases Handled By a Criminal Defense Lawyer

1. Child Endangerment or Child Abuse
The involvement of a child or children in any form of violence as outlined in the second paragraph or having a minor around during an incidence of violence which could lead to a domestic violence charge.

2. Battery
Battery is when one gets injured due to acts of violence that are not so severe to become a felony, but just a misdemeanor.

3. Criminal Threats
While threats do not inflict any physical harm to the person being threatened, it’s still illegal to make threats of harming or injuring another to inflict fear in them.

4. Corporal Injury to a Cohabitant or Spouse
Here, physical violence has occurred and there’s physical evidence like swelling or bruising to prove it. Depending on how severe the injuries are, such acts of violence could be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony.

5. Elder Abuse
Causing emotional or physical abuse to, neglecting, or defrauding persons over the age of 65 is also seen as domestic violence.

Police arrest people allegedly involved in acts of violence fairly liberally; therefore, just because one was arrested, that does not mean that they are going to be charged for committing a crime. People worried about being charged, however, need to consider getting a hold of a criminal defense lawyer to ensure that they’re properly protected and represented. Without the assistance of criminal defense attorneys, you could end up clueless about what to do when you are in urgent need of defense because of the accusations made against you.

Avoid being alone in moments of need. Call the criminal defense lawyers at Naiburg, Obedin and Weissman if you think that you might be or are being charged with domestic violence.