
What Cases Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Accept?

Felony and Misdemeanor Defense LawyersCriminal defense attorneys work to defend their clients in court against numerous charges. Each attorney accepts cases based on their specialized legal experience, the types of cases they prefer, and their skills in the courtroom. They typically prefer to choose cases that play to their strengths, as this makes it more possible to achieve the best results. However, depending on the details of each individual case an attorney may opt to take on a client that wouldn’t normally be within their practice’s scope.

In order to be as effective as possible as they defend their clients, attorneys have to be aware of all of the laws that impact the case they’re working with. They also need to know how to they can best use the laws on the books to their clients’ advantage. For this reason, most specialize in specific areas and often will refer potential clients out to other attorneys if they do not fit within their area of specialty.

We Defend People Charged With Felonies and Misdemeanors in Suffolk County, NY

Often, those who are being questioned as a suspect or who have been arrested and charged with a crime will hire a defense attorney, especially if the crime they are charged with is a felony. Defense attorneys are frequently hired for: sexual charges, homicide, drug charges, assault, and domestic violence. There are also a wide variety of other related charges that a defense attorney can help defend a client against, as well.

It is often worth it to contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you have become a suspect, in order to make sure that all of your rights are safeguarded. Many of us are unaware of our full rights, and may not even realize when a police officer is pushing them to the limit or has violated them. Hiring a defense attorney early on may help protect these rights.

If you have been accused of a felony, a lot rides on your case concluding well for you. If you are convicted, you could lose specific rights, like the right to vote or to bear arms. Being convicted of a felony could also make it hard for you to find a job or appropriate housing. And if you are found guilty of a sex offense, it may be necessary for you to register as a sex offender anywhere you choose to live.

A defense attorney can provide you with the best chance of defending yourself against the charges against you.