
How Drug Charges Can Impact You

How Drug Charges Can Impact YouThere are few things in life that can have as large an impact on you as facing criminal charges. No matter what they may be, charges can lead to serious consequences. And when you’re facing drug related charges, the impact on you can be even heavier. If you’re not sure just what to expect from drug charges, here are a few of the different consequences they can have on you.

  • Jail Time – This is the obvious one. Depending on the type of drugs and the amount of them you may have possessed, you can face anything from a few days in jail to up to 20 years in prison. Longer sentences are associated with larger amounts of drugs being found on you or for charges like trafficking or intent to distribute.
  • Fines – Not as common as jail sentences, fines are still a very real part of sentences for drugs. You could face fines of a few hundred dollars for misdemeanor offenses to as much as several thousand for more serious charges.
  • Stress – This is one of those overlooked impacts of drug charges, but it’s no less real. The time leading up to your trial or sentencing can be filled with stress, so much so that it is hard to focus on anything else.
  • Record – Your criminal record will show drug charges for years. This can influence your ability to get a loan, find employment, and much more. In other words, a single drug charge could influence your life in tremendous ways for decades.

There’s no way to know how your particular case is going to end. After all, each case is different. But to help alleviate the stresses of drug charges and ensure that you get a fair chance at the best outcome, you should take the time to find a good criminal defense attorney. They can help explain to you more about what your options are, what to expect, and could even help you get charges dropped in some cases.

Again, there’s no guarantee, but if you’re facing drug charges you owe it to yourself to find the best possible attorney and start taking steps to avoid the worst consequences. If you’re in need of a criminal defense lawyer, we can help. Contact us at Naiburg, Obedin, and Weissman today to set up your consultation visit and learn more.