
Should You Plead Guilty To Your DWI?

Should You Plead Guilty To Your DWI?While plenty of Long Island’s more than 7.6 million residents utilize the city’s public transportation systems, lots more of us use our personal vehicles every day. If you make the mistake of driving after a few drinks, you could be one of the unfortunate ones who faces a DWI charge. This is a serious offense that can lead to fines, a loss of your license, and even jail times depending upon your past history.

One thing that most people do when charged with a DWI is to plead guilty to the charges. It makes a bit of sense when you consider that in many instances the evidence is impossible to ignore. An arresting officer will administer breathalyzer tests and other field sobriety tests, and when you factor in these things it is very difficult to escape from a DWI charge.

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible, however. And while even the most experienced DWI defense attorney will often tell their clients that pleading guilty is the best option, it isn’t always the case. There are numerous factors that could lead to a not-guilty verdict or – more commonly – to charges being dropped. Factors could include:

  • Improper calibration of breathalyzer equipment
  • Improper actions of the police
  • Illegal stops
  • Failure to inform suspects of their rights
  • And much more

In other words, there is a chance that pleading guilty isn’t actually the best option. It’s not easy to have a DWI charge dropped, and it’s even more difficult to be found not guilty, but it’s not impossible and as a result it’s well worth talking to a criminal defense attorney before you give up and enter your plea.

A good attorney will review all of the specifics of your case, compare information to what they uncover during their own investigation, and help give you a better idea as to what you can expect for an outcome. Sometimes, this could mean that charges will be dropped.

Even if that isn’t the case and your best course of action is to plead guilty, your attorney can help you by arranging better plea deals. For instance, they can help you maintain provisional use of your license or help you get a reduced fine in exchange for pleading guilty. All in all, trusting in a professional to help you will always be a better option than trying to go it alone. If you’re facing a DWI charge, talking to an attorney is worth doing.