
Why You Should Never Represent Yourself In A Criminal Case

Why You Should Never Represent Yourself In A Criminal CaseNew Yorkers are proud. Since the founding of the city, residents have always adopted a kind of DYI mentality that lets them focus on taking care of things on their own. As a result, it makes sense that when problems arise, most resident will want to try to handle things on their own. But the reality is that sometimes you just need to turn to the professionals. A perfect example of this is when criminal charges are being faced.

It can seem like a good idea to try to represent yourself and save some money. But the reality is that hiring a good attorney is something you just can’t ignore. Here are some key reasons why you should never choose to represent yourself in a criminal case.

  • Most Of What You Know Is Wrong – Thanks to TV, movies, and the internet, everyone seems to think that they have a clear idea as to what goes on in criminal cases. And even more people have friends who constantly seem to have advice on how to proceed. But the fact is that most of the time, the majority of what someone thinks is true about their case isn’t. Laws are complex, most cases are settled through negotiations instead of a trial, and the entire legal process can be confusing. It’s nothing like TV, and thinking that you can smooth-talk your way through a case is a huge mistake.
  • Worse Sentences – Simply put, if you decide to represent yourself the odds are good that you’ll end up with a much harsher penalty if convicted. A big part of what a criminal defense attorney does is work to get charges dropped or prove your innocence, but in cases where a guilty verdict occurs your attorney will also work to reduce sentences and help you avoid larger jail times.
  • Less Chances – You have less chance of being found not-guilty or having charges dropped when you handle things yourself. The reason is simple – an attorney has years of experience and knowledge backing them up. They can draw on precedents, make legal maneuvers you might never have heard of, and generally work to get you the best outcome. The odds of you doing all that yourself are slim to non-existent.

You wouldn’t try to do surgery on yourself, and trying to defend yourself in the legal system is nearly as complex as doing just that. You need to trust in the professionals for the best results – your future is literally on the line, and it’s vital that you don’t make mistakes that could jeopardize it.